Forest Whispers

Our Services

Forest Whispers helps you and your team to escape the daily routine of life. Find new ways of thinking to tackle current and future challenges.

How can we ensure enough balance and healthy pressure so you and your leaders naturally perform at your best? We offer respite and a chance to look at what’s working and what’s not.

What we offer 

Visionary leadership 
& life balance coaching

Nature-based creative storytelling to stimulate leadership vision and life balance.

Improving mental wellbeing, resilience and insights of leaders.

Helping you stand out as an employer of choice.

    Wellbeing and mindfulness
    Mentoring, diversity and inclusion
    Overcoming adversity
    Leadership coaching and parenthood
    Story coaching and leadership profiling
    Leadership, innovation and employer brand
    Leadership vision coaching

    1. Wellbeing and mindfulness

    Time out for reflection. Mental decompression to re-balance ourselves in a calming space.

    2. Culture, relationship building, mentorship

    Celebrating diversity of thought. Inclusiveness, integrity, respect and deep-rooted trust.

    3. Roadblocks, resilience, agility

    Changing perception and mindset. Taking the leap of faith. Courage and wisdom.

    4. Leadership and parenthood

    How to juggle conflicting priorities? Looking at key relationships and prioritisation.

    5. Creative personal branding

    What’s your story? What do you stand for? Media profiling. Authentic story development and ideation.

    6. Business vision, ethics, philanthropy

    Stand out as an employer of choice. Corporate media profiling. Brand ethics, values, philanthropy.

    7. Innovation, creativity, drive

    Fresh thinking. Compelling narratives to help customers connect with your service and brand.

    THE Why?


    • C-suite, senior executive teams, business leaders

    • HR directors, senior HR leaders, L&D professionals, heads of talent, employer branding, training & development/OD, diversity and inclusion leaders

    • Headteachers, education leads, teachers and support staff

    • Sales directors, OD/project management leaders


    We work in partnership with you to scope out what type of story coaching framework will flex to your ever-changing needs and objectives.

    To take place either:

    • onsite at your premises in covid-secure conditions
    • offsite in natural outdoor covid-secure friendly settings 
    • online via Zoom


    • 1-1 visionary leadership development

    • Life balance coaching

    • Group leadership workshops
    • 3-day off-site retreats in a rural, natural setting

    What Our Clients Think

    “Natalie is a creative visionary who sees where brands can go rather than where they currently are. She applies her unique skill of storytelling to engage brands with their customers using the human touch. A natural leader and expert in the field of building brands, she constructs compelling brand experiences through multichannel marketing content creation. She is a listener first and foremost, who truly understands business needs. Her leadership style is one of positive and continuous change, driving excellence to deliver quality results.”

    Sarb Gill

    Head of PMO at Orange Cyberdefense

    “Natalie seeks to get under your skin using her journalistic training, intuition and

    her deeply engaging form of interviewing and enquiry. She has an enquiring mind and an insightful way of questioning that leaves you opening up and telling your authentic story. She isn’t happy to hear the ordinary story, she wants to find out what drives you and what experiences in life have shaped you. Natalie asks probing insightful questions that stop you in your track and get you to connect with your authentic truth.”

    Darren Robson

    Global board director,
    Association for Coaching

    “Natalie is someone you can trust, she is a great listener who asks great questions and generates creative solutions. She has a passion for connecting with people and storytelling.”

    Lisa Sarjeant

    People director




    • Find your intuition
    • Greater self-awareness
    • Let go of any blocks 
    • Gain clarity
    • Focus 
    • Set out goals
    • Map future vision


    • Building mental stamina, resilience and patience
    • Finding pathways through chaos to create order
    • Deepening relationships, strengthening personal rapport 
    • Setting boundaries, also respecting boundaries of others
    • Fostering a sense of calm, ease and ability to ground
    • Blended team vision and ideation
    • Empowerment through navigating conflict


    “It seems to me that the natural world is the greatest source of excitement; the greatest source of visual beauty; the greatest source of intellectual interest. It is the greatest source of so much in life that makes life worth living.” 
    Sir David Attenborough

    Life balance coaching

    Retreat in nature – bringing balance into our lives

    As leaders, when we bring balance into our lives, we’re more able to be emotionally present for our children, partners, families, colleagues, friends and neighbours. 

    Balance stimulates creativity, allows us to be innovative and productive. To be consistent, resilient, adaptable to other challenges we may face. Instead of fighting them head on, we learn to manage them and deal with them in a far more measured way.


    Storytelling techniques – using the influence of nature


    Through storytelling techniques, we can become far more self-aware, and aware of the things within our lives which needs to be faced, altered or challenged. This becomes a route to inner peace and a better way forward in our lives.


    We need not over analyse what surfaces from this process, nor should we doubt or second guess ourselves but accept that this is the direction in which we are meant to travel.


    The ‘retreat in nature’ process can help present you with new opportunities in life in which you might otherwise have blocked yourself from doing.

    Storytelling, fables and campfires ...

    Why storytelling?

    As human beings, we all want to feel part of something bigger than ourselves – that ancestral need for a ‘sense of belonging’ to a community.


    Think of campfires, sharing fables and stories within a tribe. We feel connected.

    We use nature-inspired storytelling as an intuitive leadership development tool to strengthen leaders and teams. The objective is to sharpen high performing workplace culture, that's diverse and inclusive. 

    Creative storytelling enables you to draw upon your own stories to share and discover more about yourself and one another. 


    It’s through discovery and self-awareness that can not only change your perspective and outlook on life for the better, but for others who look to you as a voice of reason, hope or source of inspiration. 


    This process can also assist in uncovering your personal stories, that are meaningful and full of wisdom to impart with others. 

    Leadership development, CPD, leadership profiling


    In partnership with you...

    By investing in your people and their continuous professional development, can be a huge source of inspiration to them. 


    While, ultimately, helping everyone to lead more balanced lives. Making you an employer of choice. 


    An engaged, productive and motivated workforce, high retention, low sickness and absence rates – fuels long lasting business success. 


    Which is why we work in partnership with you. Together, we'll scope out what type of story development framework will flex to your ever-changing needs and objectives.


    We know to exist today and build for long lasting business success we need to constantly evolve, adapt and swiftly change according to global conditions out of our control. 


    Tribal community


    When we share stories, we deepen trust and respect for one another. We naturally lean in and learn more, collaborate together – fuelling ideas, creativity, innovation, growth and drive.


    With this further self-awareness, informs us of how we like to operate and relate to one another as a team or a group of collective individuals within the workplace.


    When you take care of your business tribes and community, we all grow, weather the storms and shine a light together. This ensures a lasting legacy built on unshakeable foundations to ensure long-term sustainable and healthy business success.