Forest Whispers


Messages of love, hope and compassion

Gifts of kindness

Turning tides

This process can also help deal with denial, grief, loss of identity, lack of self-esteem, anxiety, burn out and stress which trap us – making us fearful to take that first step into a brighter future.

Remember we all have choice. We can choose to tread water, weighed down by fear, or we can choose to break free and overcome the adversity in which we have held captive for so long.

The story development process we offer can be life-changing. By providing a very calm yet challenging space, we can help you to reflect, explore and problem-solve to create solutions for a better way forward.

Changing our
way forward

It has taken me courage, bravery, tenacity and strength to breakthrough. I have always known the alternative is to stay stuck, that causes further stress, pain and often leads back to playing out unhealthy and often, repetitive patterns of negative behaviour.

When you receive realisations that you need to change your way forward, it might feel scary, nerve-wracking, even terrifying at first. But it feels ‘right’, because there’s also an edge of excitement, awe and wonder. There’s a touch of magic and mystery in the air that you cannot ignore.


You’re feeling fired up more than you have in weeks, months or years, because you’ve been shown where to seek new adventures, come up with solutions, and how to pursue a better way forward, that’s meant just for you.