Forest Whispers




F amily

O asis

R eflect

E xplore

S pace

T ime


W ellbeing

H armony

I nsights 

S anctuary

P lay

E volve

R esilience

S torytelling

Visionary leadership
& life balance coaching

Nature-based creative storytelling to stimulate leadership vision and life balance. Improving mental wellbeing, resilience and insights of leaders. Helping you stand out as an employer of choice.


Time to pause and reflect?

It’s easy to get swept up in the mad daily rush of modern life. 

Yet, slowing down and tapping into our intuition can often lead to surprising guidance we can overlook when our minds are busy. 

Sometimes it takes courage, bravery, tenacity and strength to change our way forward. 

Personal growth comes with self-awareness. Followed by vision and the will to take action, from a grounded place.

We never stop evolving and so it’s important as leaders to continue on a journey of self-discovery and keep developing.


When we are in full creative flow, that’s when we can draw on our deepest intuition, thoughts and insights to become more self-aware so we can make the right choices to a better future. 


We can liberate ourselves from burn out, stress, and the daily pressures of modern working life, when we become calm.

Forest Whispers philosophy

Storytelling can help to unlock the hidden cues and messages within the words we say or write ourselves. Fresh perspectives unfold, switching on the creative side of our brain, fuelling innovation.

Resilience is needed, at times, to direct us away from taking the easiest route or option. The road less travelled, can be more challenging, but strengthens our resolve and character.

Time out in an oasis of calm, gives us sanctuary, and a safe space to reflect, explore and play. Leading to intuitive insights.

Taking care of our mental wellbeing, and self-nurturing is critical if we want to stay in balance, live more in harmony, and continue to evolve as leaders. We're more able to be emotionally present for our family, colleagues and friends.

Turning tides

This process can help deal with denial, grief, loss of identity, lack of self-esteem, anxiety, burn out and stress which trap us – making us fearful to take that first step into a brighter future.

Remember we all have choice. We can choose to tread water, weighed down by fear or we can choose to break free and overcome the adversity in which we have held captive for so long.

The story development process we offer can be life-changing. By providing a very calm yet challenging space, we can help you to reflect, explore and problem-solve to create solutions for a better way forward.

Better way forward ...

Our modern world needs to find new ways of healing, connecting to one another, living life to be more meaningful, purposeful, and fulfilled. So in society we’re not fuelled by greed, consumerism, material wealth and instant gratification. 


In our communities, families and workplaces, we have choices. We can choose to be kind to one another, we can choose to foster shared understanding as well as deepening bonds. 


We are then in a better place ourselves. We feel like smiling more, we feel more joyful and life becomes more enjoyable.